Monday, July 1, 2013


I completed this painting and renamed it Eye on the Prize because of the intent predatory gaze. Thanks Brian for your suggestions .. I think there is more of a feeling of motion in the wings now. I tried a greater gradation in the background but didn't come up with anything that worked for me.. will try again on my next eagle painting.. I have tons of great images.
I think oyster catchers are going to be featured soon as well with their brilliant translucent red bills.
I've painted 5 or more hours every day for 2 weeks and have loads of 3/4 finished work lying around. I LOVE the starts but agonize over the finishes. Reminds me of when I was 8 or 9 and my parents would tell me "You're a good starter but a lousy finisher" .. referring to various projects or chores I'd undertaken.  Finishing without overworking ... hmm.